Nowhere To Run To

(Acrylics: 24X36)

Nowhere To Run To

This painting is the result of a private conversation I happened to hear while out doing errands. I was walking down an aisle of a store where two females were deep in conversation. One of them was upset and crying quietly while the other listened. I couldn't turn around because what I needed was just a few steps beyond them. As I approached, their conversation turned to barely audible whispers. I passed them and retrieved the item off the shelf that I needed to buy. It was then the upset female said loud enough for me to hear 'Nowhere to run to' sounding desperate. I wanted to turn around and offer to help but thought better of it as it was, after all, a private conversation between the two females. On the way home, the phrase 'Nowhere to run to' kept running through my mind over and over. It was a constant...nowhere to run to, nowhere to run to...continuously in my mind. When I got home, I started to think about the phrase. After a while, I grabbed a canvas and let my mind's eye have its freedom to show me 'Nowhere To Run To'. As I painted, I though of how so many really have 'Nowhere To Run To'. Most of us are always running to or from something or someone. Some do attain the something or someone only to once again begin running to something or someone else. Some of us find we cannot run from something or someone because whatever it is or whomever it might be resides in our memory for the rest of our life. There are some who ultimately realize there is nowhere to run to or from and settle for running to eternal life in the hereafter. There probably is nowhere to run to, or from, for anyone for something or someone that can be categorized as 'forever' because there is no 'forever' where humans are concerned but there is definitely an end. At best, modern medicine can only postpone the inevitable. Truly my worst day working, my worst day fishing, or even the worst period of my life span is better than coming to a permanent end. I simply love life and try to live happily in the now.

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Site and Images by: W. Okanovic